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SMB First to use CUES Online Ballot Voting

Posted On 5/19/2003
The following article appears in the June 2003 edition of Credit Union Management magazine.

St. Mary's Bank Credit Union, Manchester, N.H., wanted offer an easy online voting option to members during its recent board election.

"And CUES (Credit Union Executive Society) eVote definitely made online voting convenient for members," says Susan Osborne, marketing brand consultant at the $450 million credit union with 52,000 members. "Those who voted via the Web authenticated themselves and voted practically instantly - without having to chase down a stamp and head for the mailbox."

CUES eVote also allowed the CU to include pictures of candidates on the electronic ballot, something it has not traditionally done on its paper ballots. And the service will benefit the credit union monetarily as well. "Evoting will definitely save on costs (to print and mail paper ballots) over time," Osborne says.

Offered in partnership with Survey Research Associates, Madison, Wis., CUES eVote includes options for an online referendum to amend your bylaws to recognize e-voting; online and paper ballots depending on the ballot with each new Web screen; a secure environment; and results within 24 hours after the polls close.

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